Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

National Security Bill: factsheets (10 January 2023)

The National Security Bill factsheet ‘Further details about the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme’ has been updated below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Draft Authority to Carry Scheme 2023 (9 January 2023)

The ‘Draft Authority to Carry Scheme 2023’ has been published below.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations Stakeholder Update 20.12.22

ILPA documents | Children

ILPA AGM Recording

Recording: Please note that the talk from David Neal, Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, has not been included in the recording as this took place under the […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Letter to Home Office Re: Severe Delays in Application Processing (10 November 2022)

Please see below ILPA’s letter of 10 November 2022 to the Head of Operational Delivery – Work, Study, Family & Ukraine Casework at the Home Office regarding severe delays in […]

General | Key Documents

Conference on 25 November 2022 – International Migration and Citizenship Law: In Memory of Sir Richard Plender

Please see below the details of a Conference taking place on 25 November 2022 at the Inner Temple in London on major issues in International Migration law and Citizenship law, […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

Migrants Organise Guide and Migrants Organise and GMIAU Briefing on Challenging Reporting Conditions (October 2022)

With many thanks to Brian Dikoff, please see below the Migrants Organise ‘Challenging Reporting Conditions’ Guide for Advisers and Caseworkers, as well as a briefing by Migrants Organise and Greater […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations Stakeholder Update (20 October 2022)

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Committee of Trustees Nominations Web Portal 2022 Link

Our trustee nomination process is now open online, hosted by UK Engage, and can be accessed here. You can also find more information about becoming an ILPA trustee and the […]