Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI External Relations Stakeholder Update (15.06.22)

ILPA documents | Key Documents

Summary of ILPA Meetings with the Home Office on 25 and 27 May 2022 to discuss BRP Issues (25 and 27 May 2022)

Please see below a summary of ILPA’s two recent meetings with a Home Office official who heads up the team which deals with BRP issues in the Home Office. Please […]

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Legal Director’s Written Evidence to House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee Inquiry into the Life in the UK Test (5 May 2022)

ILPA’s Legal Director, Zoe Bantleman, prepared written evidence for the House of Lords Justice and Home Affairs Committee for its Inquiry into the Life in the UK Test. It can be […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI Stakeholder Update (13 May 2022)

Key document | Key Documents

Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules: HC17 (11 May 2022)

ILPA documents | Key Documents

Nationality and Borders Bill: Clause 9(5)-(7) House of Commons Briefing (14 April 2022)

Further to our joint briefing with Reprieve, JUSTICE and Public Law Project on Clause 9(5)-(7) of the Nationality and Borders Bill for the House of Lords consideration of Commons amendments […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 1220 (29 March 2022)

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

UKVI Stakeholder Update (16 March 2022)

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 1118 (15 March 2022)