Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Migrant journey: 2023 report (23 May 2024).

First Published

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Powers and operational procedure: caseworker guidance (24 May 2024).

Updated Irregular or unlawful entry and arrival guidance to link section to age dispute cases and prosecution.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Powers and operational procedure: caseworker guidance (24 May 2024).

Updated Irregular or unlawful entry and arrival guidance to link section to age dispute cases and prosecution.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and leaving care: funding instructions (28 May 2024).

(28 May 2024). Published version 1.1 of the UASC funding instructions to local authorities 2024 to 2025. The previous version gave the wrong financial year in section 3.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Assessing age for asylum applicants: caseworker guidance (24 May 2024).

Guidance added on the communication of age dispute related information in cases where age-disputed persons are subject to criminal investigation and prosecution for immigration related crimes.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Asylum accommodation: Wethersfield (24 May 2024).

Community newsletter updated to May edition.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Asylum accommodation: Wethersfield (24 May 2024).

Community newsletter updated to May edition.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Report on review of cash allowance paid to asylum seekers (24 May 2024).

Added Report on review of weekly allowances paid to asylum seekers and failed asylum seekers: 2023.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Modern slavery: how to identify and support victims (24 May 2024).

Guidance updated, as detailed on page 10.