Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Modern slavery: how to identify and support victims (24 May 2024).

Guidance updated, as detailed on page 10.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Modern Slavery Victim Care Contract: assessing destitution (24 May 2024).

First Published

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Global Talent: caseworker guidance (24 May 2024).

Updated guidance with more information about checking whether a prestigious prize meets the requirements of the Rules.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

New measures to tackle student visa abuse (23 May 2024).

News Story. First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Tribunal Procedure Committee (TPC) Guidance Document (24 May 2024).


Home Office Documents | Key Documents

The referees and identity sections have been updated in the below forms (23 May 2024):

ILPA documents | Key Documents

ILPA Response to the Consultation on Changes to the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner’s fee structure (4 June 2024)

ILPA sent the below response to the Consultation on changes to the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner’s fee structure on 4 June 2024.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Knowledge of language and Life in the UK Test exemption: long term physical or mental condition (24 May 2024).

Updated information on submitting the form.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

David Bolt appointed as interim ICIBI from 3 June 2024 (24 May 2024).

News Story. First published.