Resource Type: Key Documents

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Pakistan: country policy and information notes (8 May 2024).

Published an updated version of the ‘Country policy and information note: Christian and Christian converts’.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Asylum accommodation requests: caseworker guidance (3 May 2024).

Updated to clarify there has been no change to the suitability criteria from the previous version.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Streamlined asylum processing (2 May 2024).

Updated guidance to clarify the claimants who may be eligible for consideration via the streamlined asylum process – those eligible will be based on date of claim, rather than arrival […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Rwanda: country policy and information notes (3 May 2024).

Updated version of ‘Country policy and information note: Rwanda, asylum system’. Two new documents added: ‘Country policy and information note: Rwanda, medical and healthcare, April 2024’ and ‘Country and policy […]

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Uruguay: Knowledge Base profile (8 May 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Lesotho: Knowledge Base profile (8 May 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Kyrgyzstan: Knowledge Base profile (8 May 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

Taiwan: Knowledge Base profile (8 May 2024).

First published.

Home Office Documents | Key Documents

United Arab Emirates: Knowledge Base profile (8 May 2024).

First published.