Category: Uncategorised


ILPA Family and General subcommittee minutes 20 November 2007

ILPA Family and General subcommittee minutes 20 November 2007


ILPA subcommittee reports December 2012


Justice and Security Bill, House of Commons Second Reading, 18 December 2012

Justice and Security Bill, House of Commons Second Reading, 18 December 2012


Home Office Border and Immigration Agency (BIA) Operational Enforcement Manual (OEM) Chapter 80 Deprivation of Right of Abode or of British Citizenship obtained by registration or naturalisation as at November 2007

Home Office Border and Immigration Agency  (BIA) Operational Enforcement Manual (OEM) Chapter 80 Deprivation of Right of Abode or of British Citizenship obtained by registration or naturalisation as at November […]


Press Notice of Joint Committee on Human Rights: publication of report on the draft clauses on the reform of the Office of the Children’s Commissioner for England, 07 December 2012

JOINT COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RIGHTS Children’s Commissioner: Human Rights Committee welcomes proposals but urges changes to increase independence and effectiveness  The Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) today publishes a […]


House of Lords House of Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights Legislative Scrutiny: Crime and Courts Bill Fifth Report of Session 2012-13 HL Paper 67 HC 771


R. v Oniya (Omotayo) Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) 22 November 2012

R. v Oniya (Omotayo) Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) 22 November 2012 Unreported.   A sentence of 12 months for possession of false identity documents to commit a fraud was manifestly […]


Legal Services Commission (LSC) Court assessed bill submission checklist CLSCLAIM1/1A Version 2 November 2012

Legal Services Commission (LSC) Court assessed bill submission checklist CLSCLAIM1/1A Version 2 November 2012 Link below also to full LSC Update of 22 November 2012


Family and General subcommittee meeting minutes 6 November 2012

Family and General subcommittee meeting minutes 6 November 2012