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Family and General subcommittee minutes 22 May 2012


AL (Albania) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 710

The Court of Appeal was concerned with “the order for costs where the appeal is disposed of by consent in circumstances in which the applicant has obtained a benefit – […]


R (Patel & Ors) v Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) and Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 1416 (Admin)

This judgment concerns the test to be applied by the Administrative Court when considering an application for judicial review of the Upper Tribunal’s refusal of permission to appeal to it […]


R (Sher Afzal) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 1487 (Admin)

This judgment is largely concerned with arguments about the exercise of discretion by the Secretary of State in relation to applications for leave outside the Rules.  However, a distinct issue […]


House of Commons Westminster Hall debate on NHS (foreign nationals) 22 May 2012

House of Commons Westminster Hall debate on NHS (foreign nationals) 22 May 2012


Department of Health (DH) Guidance on implementing the overseas visitors hospital charging regulations May 2012

Department of Health (DH)  Guidance on implementing the overseas visitors hospital charging regulations May 2012.  Links below to guidance and appendices,Equality Analysis – Immigration Sanctions for those with unpaid debts […]


Medical Justice report The second torture: the immigration detention of torture survivors May 2012

Medical Justice report The second torture: the immigration detention of torture survivors by Natasha Tsangarides May 2012   Leigh Day & Co have been working closely with Medical Justice to […]


Home Affairs Committee: written evidence. The work of the UK Border Agency and Border Force 23 May 2012

Home Affairs Committee: written evidence.  The work of the UK Border Agency and Border Force 23 May 2012.  Includes evidence from: Rob Whiteman, UK Border Agency (letter of 3 May […]


Pre-appointment questions to asylum seeking children in Social Services care

UK Border Agency, Pre-appointment questions for children in the care of Social Services who are claiming asylum. This below is the UKBA letter that accompanies the pre-appointment questions form.   […]