Category: Uncategorised


Not a minor offence: unaccompanied children locked up as part of the asylum system

Refugee Council, Not a minor offence; unaccompanied children locked up as part of the asylum system, Judith Dennis, [May 2012]   This report discusses the situation of children detained as […]


Subcommittee reports for Executive Committee March 2012


Subcommittee reports for Executive Committee April 2012


Subcommittee reports for Executive Committee May 2012


Medical, statistical, ethical and human rights considerations in the assessment of age in children and young people subject to immigration control, British Medical Journal 14 May 2012

Medical, statistical, ethical and human rights considerations in the assessment of age in children and young people subject to immigration control, A.Aynsely-Green, T.J. Cole, H.Crawley, N.Lessof, L.R,Boag and R.M.M.Wallace, British […]


Legal Aid: Frequently Asked Questions on tenders, 19 May 2012

Legal Aid: Frequently Asked Questions on tenders, 19 May 2012 Intended to give a general overview. A separate Frequently Asked Questions on the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire will follow.  Kerry Wood of […]


Centre On Migration Policy and Society ( COMPAS) No Way Out No Way In, May 2012

Centre On Migration Policy and Society ( COMPAS) No Way Out No Way In, May 2012: Press Release No Way Out, No Way In: Migrant children fall through the net […]


Minutes of Family and General subcommittee meeting 12 March 2012


AA (Somalia) v ECO (Addis Ababa) [2012] EWCA Civ 563

This case concerns an application for refugee family reunion of a de facto adopted Somali child, and in particular the interpretation of the immigration rules – specifically paragraphs 352D, 6 […]