Category: Uncategorised


R (Medical Justice) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 1710

R (Medical Justice) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 1710


GR v Netherlands, European Court of Human Rights, Appl No. 22251/07, judgment of 10 January 2012

GR v Netherlands, European Court of Human Rights, Appl No. 22251/07, judgment of 10 January 2012  Interesting case on excessive fees for residence permits and lack of possibility of challenging […]


New English language requirements for applicants in Tiers 1 and 2, 26 January 2012

New English language requirements, UK Border Agency news release 26 January 2012 Tighter English language test requirement for Tier 1 and 2 applicants in the UK   26 January 2012 […]


Home Affairs Committee Rules governing Enforced Removals from the UK

Home Affairs Committee Rules governing Enforced Removals from the UK, HC 563,  Eighteenth Report of session 2010 to 2012


The Legal Services Commission will pay for Language Line, January 2012

The Legal Services Commission will pay for Language Line, January 2012


Court of Justice of the European Communities Case of Halaf C-538/11, note of 10 January 2012

Court of Justice of the European Communities Case of Halaf C-538/11, note of 10 January 2012 State of the case Case in progress Reports of Cases Nil Subject-matter Reference for […]


Report into UK Border Controls, Home Affairs Committee, 19 January 2012

Report into UK Border Controls, Home Affairs Committee, 19 January 2012 HC 1647, 17th Report of session 2010-2012 With written evidence The Committee’s press release states: The committee concluded that: […]


Legal Services Commission – new reconciliation arrangements for payment 19 January 2012

Legal Services Commission – new reconciliation arrangements for payment 19 January 2012. The note below was sent to members of the Civil Contracts Consultative Group on 18 January 2012 E-mail sent […]


Landing in Dover, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, 17 January 2012

Landing in Dover, Office of the Children’s Commissioner, 17 January 2012   The press release from the Office of the Children’s Commissioner states: Unaccompanied children no longer to suffer effects […]