Category: Uncategorised


Financial Restrictions: Iran various documents collated 9 February 2012

Financial Restrictions: Iran various documents collated 9 February 2012 Links below for: Impact of sanctions against Iran on applicants under the points based system, UK Border Agency news item 19 […]

General | Children

All Party Parliamentary Group for Children: Family Courts and Youth Services Minutes



OISC News.  Newsletter of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.  The link below is to recent issues of OISC News.  Some earlier editions are held in the ILPA offices.


OISC Annual Report

OISC Annual Report.  Annual Report of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner.  Annual Report for 2001-2002 available in hardcopy at ILPA Offices.  links below to Annual reports for 2006 – […]


Strategic Legal Fund for Refugee Children and Young People SLF – Key Issues List and Bulletin February 2012

Strategic Legal Fund for Refugee Children and Young People (SLF) – Key Issues List and Bulletin February 2012  


Migrants’ Rights Network, Progress 2006-2011, February 2012

Migrants’ Rights Network, Progress 2006-2011, February 2012 short report on first 5 years of activity


X v. de Belgische Staat, vertegenwoordigd door de staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, Maatschappelijke Integratie en Armoedebestrijding, 6 January 2012

X v. de Belgische Staat, vertegenwoordigd door de staatssecretaris voor Asiel en Migratie, Maatschappelijke Integratie en Armoedebestrijding, X v The Belgian State, represented by the Secretary of State for Asylum […]


Ukraine: persons seeking asylum on hunger strike, 26 January 2012

Ukraine: persons seeking asylum on hunger strike, 26 January 2012 ILPA has received a number of reports from comrades in Ukraine about the situation of Somali refugees on hunger strike […]


Asylum Aid Publication: “I feel like as a woman I’m not welcome”: A gender analysis of UK asylum law, policy and practice. 25 January 2012

Debora Singer, Policy and Research Manager, Asylum Aid says: “Asylum Aid Publication: “I feel like as a woman I’m not welcome”: A gender analysis of UK asylum law, policy and […]