Category: Uncategorised


UK migration: the leadership role of housing providers, summary 23 August 2011

UK migration: the leadership role of housing providers, a report by John Perry for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, summary 23 August 2011


IAS file transfer completed, Legal Services Commission Press Release, 30 August 2011

IAS file transfer completed, Legal Services Commission Press Release, 30 August 2011


Papers for Housing and Immigration Group (HIG) Meeting 5 September 2011

Housing and Immigration Group meeting at ILPA 6.30pm on 5 September 2011  Welcome/apologies Minutes of last meeting Section 4 – UKBA policy changes on s4 for families (update by Pierce […]


Legal Aid transfer of Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) files, update from John Sirodcar 23 August 2011

Legal Aid transfer of Immigration Advisory Service (IAS) files, update from John Sirodcar 23 August 2011 From: Batty, Carl (LSC) [] Sent: 23 August 2011 09:37To:;;;; […]


Law Society suggestions for Agenda for next Legal Services Commission 12 September 2011 Civil Contracts Consultative Group, 23 August 2011

Law Society suggestions for Agenda for next Legal Services Commission 12 September 2011 Civil Contracts Consultative Group, 23 August 2011 From Anne Graham, Law Society, 23 August 2011 Hello Grazia […]


Asylum Screening Unit: email from Brindha Selvarajasingam to Steve Symonds, 17 August 2011

The text of this email appears below.  It follows ILPA’s  letter of 12 August 2011 to Sonia Dower about problems at the Asylum Screening Unit.  Please note that the email […]

General | Courts and Tribunals

PR (Sri Lanka), SS (Bangladesh) & TC (Zimbabwe) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 988

PR (Sri Lanka), SS (Bangladesh) & TC (Zimbabwe) v SSHD [2011] EWCA Civ 988 These were three renewed applications for permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal on the […]


Changes to the Sponsor Management System UK Border Agency news release 9 August 2011

Changes to the Sponsor Management System UK Border Agency news release 9 August 2011


Young Lives in Limbo: the protection of age disputed young people in Wales, Welsh Refugee Council, 10 August 2011

Young Lives in Limbo: the protection of age disputed young people in Wales, Welsh Refugee Council, 10 August 2011