Category: Uncategorised


PR (Sri Lanka), TC (Zimbabwe), SS (Bangladesh) Note for Access to Justice Subcommittee meeting of 29 September 2011

PR (Sri Lanka) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; SS (Bangladesh) v Secretary of State for the Home Department; TC (Zimbabwe) v Secretary of State for the Home […]


Family and General subcommittee minutes 19 September 2011


Lopko and Toure v Hungary ECHR Application no 10816/10, Chamber judgment of 20 September 2011

Lopko and Toure v Hungary ECHR Application no 10816/10, Chamber judgment of 20 September 2011 16.  The Court observes that a person may be deprived of his liberty only for the […]


AA v UK 8000/08 ECHR chamber judgment 20 September 2011

AA v UK 8000/08 ECHR chamber judgment 20 September 2011 Deportation case, Article 8 successfully argued.


19 September 2011 Family and General Subcommittee minutes

19 September 2011 Family and General Subcommittee minutes


Speech by Damian Green MP, Minister for Immigration on Family Migration 15 September 2011


Response to feedback on policy for Tier 4 highly trusted sponsors


Monthly News for Members September 2011


Migration Advisory Committee Skilled shortage sensible – full review of the recommended shortage occupation lists for the UK and Scotland, 12 September 2011

Migration Advisory Committee Skilled shortage sensible – full review of the recommended shortage occupation lists for the UK and Scotland, 12 September 2011. You will see that there is a […]