Category: Uncategorised


Tier 4: Archive of March 2009 to present Tier 4 (General) and Tier 4 (Child) rules, 31 October 2011

Tier 4:  Archive of March 2009 to present Tier 4 (General) and Tier 4 (Child ) rules, 31 October 2011. Wonderful UKCISA has just uploaded an archive of the Tier 4 […]


Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2011 House of Lords Debate 26 October 2011

Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2011  House of Lords Debate 26 October 2011 Motion in the name of the Lord Bach. Lord Bach manages to avoid the […]


National Offender Management Services NOMS Prison Service Instruction PSI 49/2011 Prisoner Communication Services, 26 September 2011

National Offender Management Services NOMS Prison Service Instruction PSI 49/2011 Prisoner Communication Services. Issued 26 September 2011; effective 1 October 2011, expires 18 September 2011 New Prison Services Guidance has […]


Subcommittee reports to Executive Committee September 2011

Subcommittee reports to Executive Committee September 2011


Subcommittee reports to EC October 2011

Subcommittee reports to EC October 2011


UK Border Agency Tier 4 List of financial institutions that do not satisfactorily verify financial statements, 24 October 2011

UK Border Agency Tier 4  List of financial institutions that do not satisfactorily verify financial statements, 24 October 2011 The UK Border Agency has published lists ot will use to verify […]


R (Hazret Kose) v SSHD [2011] EWHC 2594 (Admin), 17 October 2011

R (Hazret Kose) v SSHD [2011] EWHC 2594 (Admin), 17 October 2011 A synopsis: Turkish would-be student arrives in UK with Tier 4 leave to enter.  At airport, immigration question […]


Legal Services Commission New Immigration tenders, 13 October 2011

Legal Services Commission New Immigration tenders, 13 October 2011 Legal Services Commission website says New immigration tenders start 21 October 2011.  13 October 2011 Immigration tender processes to be launched […]


Lynne Featherstone, Minister for Equalities, on domestic violence rule and unspent convictions, 12 October 2011

12 Oct 2011 : Column 131WH I also wonder whether the Minister is dismayed by the Home Secretary’s proposal to change the eligibility requirements under paragraph 289A—the domestic violence rule—of […]