Category: Uncategorised


Refugee Youth submission to Public Bill Committee on Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders, 11 October 2011

General | Courts and Tribunals

Transfer of fresh claim judicial review to the Upper Tribunal 17 October 2011

Classes of cases specified under section 18(6) of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 Direction made by the Lord Chief Justice. Now with the Lord Chief Justice’s Direction. Judicial […]


Prayer against the Community Legal Service (Funding) Amendment No 2 Order 2011 SI 2011/2066, 26 October 2011

Lord Bach has put a negative motion to the Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2011. The motion will be debated on Wednesday 26 October 2011: Lord Bach to […]


New Statement of Changes in Immigration Rules HC 1151 into force 31 October 2011

New Statement of Changes in immigration rules HC 1151 into force 31 October 2011 UK Border Agency News Release below, but please use links at the bottom of the page […]


Email from UKBA to ILPA re draft age assessment pro forma and consent form, 30 September 2011

Children’s Sub-group Update – Draft age assessment pro-forma and consent form for feedback Dear corporate partner, As discussed at the last children’s sub group, attached is the draft age assessment […]


Email from UKBA re National Asylum Stakeholder Forum including agenda for meeting on 19 October 2011

UK Border Agency Corporate Partner Update – NASF Agenda Dear corporate partner, Please find attached the agenda for the 19 October 2011 NASF. Also attached for information, is the report […]


Email from UK Border Agency to ILPA re Language Analysis Testing, 4 October 2011

From: Immigration Group Communications Sent: 04 October 2011 10:48Subject: UK Border Agency Corporate Partner Update – Resumption of Language Analysis (LA) Testing UK Border Agency Corporate Partner Update – Resumption […]


Detention Action, Fast Track to Despair (The unnecessary detention of asylum-seekers), published 2 October 2011

Detention Action, Fast Track to Despair (The unnecessary detention of asylum-seekers), published 2 October 2011


Strategic Legal Fund for refugee children and young people. Diana Prince of Wales Memorial Fund and Trust for London October 2011

Strategic Legal Fund for refugee children and young people.  Diana Prince of Wales Memorial Fund and Trust for London October 2011