Category: Uncategorised


Migration Advisory Committee report and recommendation on minimum income threshold for family migration, 16 November 2011

The Committee sets out various options but ultimately highlights the following as its preferred option as a minimum income threshold to sponsor a partner as within the range £18,600 to […]


ILPA subcommittee reports for EC meeting 8 November 2011


Extension of employment restrictions for Bulgarian and Romanian nationals

At the link below, can be found details of the Government’s decision to extend restrictions on employment for Bulgarian and Romanian nationals until the end of 2013; and a link […]


R (Davies et anor) v The Commissioners for HMRC; R (Gaines-Cooper) v The Commissioners for HMRC, [2011] UKSC 47

R (Davies et anor) v The Commissioners for HMRC; R (Gaines-Cooper) v The Commissioners for HMRC, [2011] UKSC 47 On the circumstances in which the circumstances in which an individual becomes […]


Ministerial Statement on ‘marriage age’ following R (Quila & Ors), 7 November 2011

The Minister for Immigration has made a written statement to the House of Commons following the judgment of the Supreme Court in R (Quila & Ors) v Secretary of State […]

General | Courts and Tribunals

Implementation timetable for fees for the First Tier Tribunal, 7 November 2011

Implementation timetable for fees for the First Tier Tribunal, 7 November 2011 From: IAC, Customer Service [] Sent: 07 November 2011 15:53 To: Henry Oliver Subject: RE: Our Ref: AP […]


Home Affairs Committee The Work of the UK Border Agency (April to July 2011), 4 November 2011

Home Affairs Committee The Work of the UK Border Agency (April to July 2011), 4 November 2011, 15th Report of session 2010-2012, HC 1497-I


Note on last day of Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill in Commons, 2 November 2011

Note on last day of Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill in Commons, 2 November 2011: Last evening’s final day of this Bill in the Commons generally did […]


Asylum Aid and UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) Mapping statelessness in the United Kingdom November 2011

Asylum Aid and UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) Mapping statelessness in the United Kingdom November 2011