ILPA’s articles of association can be read in full here . This extract of article 3 and 4 explains who can be accepted as ILPA members.
3. Membership of the Association shall be open to any individual who is:
(1) a lawyer, legal worker, teacher or student of law, apprentice lawyer, or other person who, in the opinion of the Executive Committee, is substantially engaged or interested in the law; and
(2) in general sympathy with the objects of the Association, but membership shall not be granted to any individual undertaking advisory or representation work unless:
- (a) the individual is a member of a recognised professional body exercising a disciplinary function in respect of professional misconduct by the individual; or
- (b) the individual is an employee of an organisation which is subject to professional discipline as described in (a) above; or
- (c) the individual is an employee of an organisation which is a charitable or non-profit making organisation with a constitution whose terms are consistent with the objectives of the Association’s constitution; or
- (d) the individual is an employee of an organisation which is in receipt of funds as provided for in section 23 of the Immigration Act 1971 or any statutory re-enactment thereof
(3) named as an adviser on a registration certificate issued by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner or has been notified to and accepted by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner as a competent adviser by an organisation with a certificate of exemption issued by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and is in general sympathy with the objects of the Association.
4. Membership of the Association shall be open to any organisation which is:
(1) in the opinion of the Executive Committee substantially engaged or interested in the law; and
(2) in general sympathy with the objects of the Association, but membership shall not be granted to any such organisation undertaking advisory or representation work unless:
- (a) the organisation is a member of a recognised professional body exercising a disciplinary function in respect of professional misconduct by the organisation; or
- (b) the organisation is a charitable or non-profit making organisation with a constitution whose terms are consistent with the objectives of the Association’s constitution; or
- (c) the organisation is in receipt of funds as provided for in section 23 of the Immigration Act 1971 or any statutory re-enactment thereof.
(3) holds a registration certificate or certificate of exemption issued by the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and is in general sympathy with the objects of the Association.