Resource Archive

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Mailing or Enclosure

Court Service Administrative court office newsletter july 2003

Court Service Administrative court office newsletter july 2003

Mailing or Enclosure

note for advisors of 15 July 2003 on Bulant Polat and SSHD in the court of appeal from the IAT

note for advisors of 15 July 2003 on Bulant Polat and SSHD in the court of appeal from the IAT

Mailing or Enclosure

LSC to AS Law Solicitors of 9 July 2003 and AS Law Sols to LSC of 25 July 2003 re applications for certificated funding in asylum cases

LSC to AS Law Solicitors of 9 July 2003 and AS Law Sols to LSC of 25 July 2003 re applications for certificated funding in asylum cases

Mailing or Enclosure

Ukvisas to ILPA of 8 August 2003 re British High Commission in Islamabad

Ukvisas to ILPA of 8 August 2003 re British High Commission in Islamabad

Mailing or Enclosure

Ukvisas to ILPA of 17 June 2003 re uk residence permit (UKRP)

Ukvisas to ILPA of 17 June 2003 re uk residence permit (UKRP)

Mailing or Enclosure

Work permits (UK) – way ahead seminar july 2003 re in-country work

Work permits (UK) – way ahead seminar july 2003 re in-country work

Mailing or Enclosure

s 55 – inter agency co-ordination team of 1 august 2003 re s55 of the NIA act 2002: R(S, D and T) v SSHD – high court of justice ruling (31/07/03)

s 55 – inter agency co-ordination team of 1 august 2003 re s55 of the NIA act 2002: R(S, D and T) v SSHD – high court of justice ruling […]

Mailing or Enclosure

s55 IND press release of 31 july 2003 re high court judgement on asylum support

s55 IND press release of 31 july 2003 re high court judgement on asylum support

Mailing or Enclosure

s55 – refugee council to ilpa of 7 august 2003 re R judgement – NASS’s interpretations and minutes for liaison meeting 6 august 2003

s55 – refugee council to ilpa of 7 august 2003 re R judgement – NASS’s interpretations and minutes for liaison meeting 6 august 2003

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You need to be an ILPA member to view the wealth of resources we have – they are marked by the closed padlock. Join us! Get in touch if you have any questions on