Calendar of Events
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting
ILPA Economic Migration Working Group Meeting
This is a working group meeting for ILPA members.This is a Working Group meeting for ILPA members. If you are not already an ILPA member, but would like to attend this meeting, please contact the ILPA Secretariat ( working groups are open to all ILPA members. Whether you're just getting started in your career, or […]
2 events,
WEB 3065 ILPA Business Immigration in the UK Conference (In-person)
WEB 3065 ILPA Business Immigration in the UK Conference (In-person)
If you would like to attend virtually, please book here. Please review the agenda and speakers here.
WEB 3066 ILPA Business Immigration in the UK Conference (Online)
WEB 3066 ILPA Business Immigration in the UK Conference (Online)
If you would like to attend in-person, please book here. Please review the agenda and speakers here.